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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Word !!

mi esposo y yo llegamos finalmente a esta conclusion anoche despues de tener una platica con nuestros hijos y al oir salir de Sus bocas las respuestas sinceras alas preguntas Que mi esposo les hizo  .. y esa es; Que nuestros hijos no van a seguir nuestras advertencias , Lo Que van a seguir es nuestro ejemplo, no debemos preocuparnos si no nos escuchan debemos preocuparnos por que siempre
nos estan mirando

~ Oscar & Pilar Cardeña.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

sharing with you mom's !

Assess the situation: keep your finger on the pulse of your family. Stop wasting time. (internet, e-mail, tv, phone calls, worrying) Ask the Lord for time management help. That fruit of the spirit, self-control, is what will help you get done what you need to get done in a day. The Lord wants to use His Spirit to guide you!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Luke 6:40 says when one is fully trained, he/she will be like his teacher. What a privilege to be that teacher!!

happy Monday !!

I have been thinking a lot about joy lately -because it's such an illusive thing for so many--me included. As a mom, I struggle all the time to find joy in the mundane - to enjoy the moments I have my little ones around me. It's very easy to worry about tomorrow - yet even the the Bible says that we shouldn't do that ... because tomorrow has enough worries of it's own. (Matthew 6:34) (Word!)  In Nehemiah 8:10, we read that "The joy of the Lord is our strength." That tells me that true joy comes from God! I have only to go to the Lord each day and ASK for His joy to permeate my spirit. Not always easy when life is stressful and parenting is hard. But so worth the effort.  one day When our kids leave home, I want them to remember it as a place of joy. Don't you?  Let's give ourselves fully to today. Let's enJOY those kids. Let's laugh,play and spend time  with them. The joy of the Lord is your strength, busy mom! Grab hold of it today.

Pilar Cardeña.

loved this ! Amen !

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

sharing !

Muchos no creen en nuestro evangelio misionero porque a ellos no les parecen que nuestra "marca" de relgión sea algo valga la pena propagar. Les parece que los mismos evangelizadores no estamos convencidos del valor o del poder y la eficacia de nuestro mensaje. (Romanos 1:16)

 Supongo que nos miran como ven a un hombre gordo tratando de venderles productos de dieta. El vendedor no les convence del valor del producto. Si un creyente testifica sin gozo, sin entusiamo y convicción, sin compasión o sin santidad... no convence a nadie a creer.

Monday, May 13, 2013

#ChickenAndWaffles flavored potato chips by #Lays! I saw this at a deli the other day! I say they go for "Bacon and Cinnamon Rolls" next time! #Food #Chips #Flavor


Praying for our kiddos is an opportunity we have, busy moms! Let's use it wisely!

Filipenses 4:4

please pray for the Hamilton family since their son passed away on mothers day evening .

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sharing !!

For every mother who didn't have a "picture-perfect" Mother's Day ... and for every mom with a broken heart tonight ... HE loves you. Your tears do not go unseen. He will never leave you or forsake you.

  I've learned ... am learning ... to trust God. Won't you trust with me tonight, busy mom? Let's trust in the God who says that His mercies are new ... every.single.morning. ♥ 

"The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23

Friday, May 10, 2013

Good morning, Busy Moms! We only have this day to do once, so let's play it well!

As we approach Mother's Day this weekend, what's your favorite thing about being a mom??

Feliz dia de las madres !!

Dios nos ha dado a Muchas mujeres unas de las bendiciones mas grandes " el ser madre " y es Verdad Que jamas podremos ser una madre perfecta pero si podemos ser buenas madres y Lo somos todos los dias no solo hoy... pero hoy nos celebran asi Que de mi parte quiero desearles ! Que tengan un Feliz dia ! A todas madres de mexico y Muy especialmente ala mia~ America Ramirez !! Dios te bendiga y te guarde —feeling blessed with Deisy Ventura and Jaackeliinee Guzman.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

disculpenme y Perdon por la palabra Que  voy  a escribir y  mas si tu has estado en esta situacion te va a llegar y te va a molestar tal vez ....aunque en realidad ni una palabra es groseria ..pero Que gente tan stupid ,tan tonta e ignorante aquella Que se enoja por Que alguien mas a puesto a Su hijo o hija el mismo nombre Que tienes uno de sus hijos .y Muchas veces son personas Que tienen mucho estudio Que perdida de tiempo paso estudiando ... habrase visto tal cosa :-)  

nota: la palabra stupid tiene cuatro significados y uno de ellos es no no-inteligente....

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

se acerca el dia de las madres y siempre me es bueno recordar Que no existe una madre perfecta ... pero si existe un millon de maneras de ser una buena madre .....

Thursday, May 2, 2013

madres ! si queremos hacer buenas obras esta bien no es malo ! no salvan ! las obras no salvan a nadie ...pero despues Que hemos sido salvas por la gracia de Dios. hacemos buenas obras ,pero no olvidemos Que la obra mas importante Que hagamos en esta vida sera la que realicemos dentro de las paredes de nuestro hogar . ~ love , Pilar Cardeña.

 I have been inspired and busy and the past few days on constructing pretty new things and reworking pretty old things :-) and I want to share with you all , my first idea   I'm sorry that I don't have a tutorial for this.. but there is nothing extraordinary in what I did ....for the next ideas I will try to have a tutorial .

A while ago I found this 1900's high waist skirt in one of those Goodwill stores , I really liked it and I bought it :-)  but when I tried it on I didn't like how it looked on me ..maybe it was because of that straps it had ..well ! I kept it in my closet until a few days ago when I was ready get rid of some stuff including the skirt ..then I thought  I really wanted  to keep the skirt ,so I decided to do something with it  " remove the straps "and add  belt slots ..and this is the way it turned out :-) much better!!
 I was happy with the result and the way it looked on me..but now I  needed a blouse to go with it ...well ! this is the blouse that  I found to go with it ,but to me it was to simple so I decided to add a green /brown  ribbon to the collar . and viola !! here is my new outfit :-) .


from my album friends special days !!

Abby's Birthday !

Leah's wedding !