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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Heading to Greenville !

muchas gracias por invitarme ala sierva del señor conferencia fue muy refrescante a mi corazon necesitaba ecucharlo una vez mas, fue un balsamo  a mi ser .
 habia tenido unos dias bastantes dificles .. pasado por un momento que jamas pense experinmentar ..  realmente cansada y desvastada y al punto  de darme por vencida  y fue entonces cuando  pense y pero ; quien soy yo ? para que no me pase lo que a otros !! Rapidamente Galatas 6-9 vino a mi mente. asi es  amigas no nos cansemos ni nos demos por vencidas ! estemos listaas para perdonar eimediatamente,  si es necesesario perdonar 70 veces siete hagamoslo.
no se ustedes ! pero yo quiero escuchar de mi salvador un dia estas palabras : BIEN HECHO SIERVA FIEL !

ahora mismo rumbo a Grenville   ansiosa de ver ami esposo y estar entre sus brazos otra vez :-)
y  poder estar en mi iglesia esta noche con mi familia para recibir conjunto con nuestros hermanos en Cristo   el año nuevo venidero . que mejor lugar que ahi !!

Les deseo el mejor de los deseos para este año venidero y que unas de sus metas este año sea cumplir con el el proposito que Dios ya tiene para nosotras.
Feliz año nuevo !

Pilar Cardeña.


Friday, December 27, 2013

Sharing !

“I’m done!”  Have you ever been there? It’s the kind of “done” that makes everything more frustrating.  The dishes pile up. The laundry calls your name—and your husband’s needs become an annoyance rather than a precious priority.

Anyone?  Can I get a witness?

Well this morning I am in the book of Galatians, chapter 6, verse 9. The reason why I decided to go back to this verse (we’ve gone over it a couple times before) is because I know how challenging the holidays can be for busy moms. There are so many things that weigh on us and so many things that we feel like we need to be doing. It seems like the holidays just ramp up stress for us.

If you feel “done” this New Year, you can find encouragement in God’s Word.
Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

I love Paul’s encouragement not to give up. I don’t know about you, but I’ve had a really tough week: unexpected things have happened.................!!!!....!!!

One thing after another seemed to go “wrong.” Feelings of insecurity and failure invade my New Year’s resolutions before I have even finished my list!  All these things, I must confess, eventually led me to questioning my sanity.  Sanity is a must-have for every busy mom, right? I looked in the mirror and this tired, overwhelmed face stared back at me.
Christmas vacation is almost over. I’m a homeschool mom, so no school bus is coming to take these kids off my hands, no nanny, no babysitter, it’s all me… 24/7. Sometimes I want to give up. After all, I ask myself, “what mom in her right mind chooses to be locked up all day with little people with no hope of reprieve in sight?” Who would be nutty enough to do that?


Here’s why: I am trying to “plant with the harvest in mind” like every mom who is raising her kids to love and follow Jesus Christ.When I am wiping juice off the wall, cleaning rooms,picking up shoes ,toys and clothes from everywhere I need to remember the WHY of all of it. At the end of the day, mothers are not “just” training and teaching their children. Moms are  investing in the next generation of doctors, legislators, lawyers, policemen, bank tellers, construction workers, missionaries, pastors, and mothers who will, by God’s grace, invest their lives in their children.

Plant with a harvest in mind busy mom !

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Reminder !!!

All the busy mom's from Greenville I want to remind you that the Debi conference is this comming  Thursday at 9:30 if you haven't registered do it now ! You  have till Wednesday.

Don't miss it ......
I hope to see you there !

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sharing !!!

It’s important to me to teach my children about and keep them focused on the true meaning of Christmas and why we celebrate every year on December 25th.  It’s easy to get caught up in all the things to do surrounding the holiday – shopping, baking, decorating, parties – that it can potentially be just as easy to lose focus on why we are doing all of these things in the first place.  Christmas is a special time to rejoice in, and celebrate our Savior’s birth.

Christ needs to be our priority all the time, and especially at Christmas.  As a parent, I strive to keep my focus on Christ during the Christmas season and make it mostly about Him.  One way to help your child understand the true meaning of Christmas is by simply reading books to them about the birth of Jesus.  I can’t think of anything better than curling up by the light of the Christmas tree with your little ones (and big ones too) and reading a book about Christ just before bedtime.