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Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Good morning busy mom,s !!!

Its freezing in here !!!   I hope you all doing wonderful  !!  I haven't posted anything in the past few of the reasons other than time ) is because I don't know what happened to my blog.. every time I post something , it keeps on changing , and I don't have time to spend on  fixing it ;-) there's priority's here....  I am just gonna leave like that till next year ... so sorry about that !

What are your priority's ?

 Life is busy isn't it? It's easy to let day after day pass us by without prioritizing what we really want to teach our children. But if we don't teach our children about God, the world will. My husband and I have learned that teaching our children about God has to be a priority, and that requires planning and discipline on our parts.God deserves to be first place!

I won't be answer any email till next year !
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog ! readership and support  and for all your kind words, comments, messages and E-mails

Tomorrow will be Thanksgivings day , and I  want to wish all a happy thanksgiving !  There is no better time than this Thanksgiving holiday to reflect, give thanks and truly be grateful for the things we have…no matter how big…or how small. I hope you enjoy your time with friends and family.

~ Pilar Cardeña

Friday, November 22, 2013

There is so much to be thankful for, 22 days were not enough to give thanks for God's gracious gifts ( Blessings ) He has given me and my family. His mercies have been new every day ! I know there have been also difficult times! but ! He has been there for us too. 1 Thessalonians says ; In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
I am so thankful that He has chosen me to be a Daughter of the Kings of Kings.

~ May God bless you all.

DAY 21 !!!

Day 21 ~ I am so grateful for my lovely Daughter Genesis !!
for the simple things. like the food we eat, the car that gets us around, and the grass under my feet,the smiles of others faces when they see me ,Good people and for the inspiration that surrounds us everyday, you just have open your eyes and look around. God is good !

DAY 21 !!!

Day 21 ~ I am so grateful for my lovely Daughter Genesis !!
for the simple things. like the food we eat, the car that gets us around, and the grass under my feet,the smiles of others faces when they see me ,Good people and for the inspiration that surrounds us everyday, you just have open your eyes and look around. God is good !

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 20 !!!!

 ~ Right now I am thankful that is  almost 5 clock and my husband should be at home shortly .
I am so thankful that he has a job  and a good boss .

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day 19 !!!

 I am so thankful that He is with us ...Always .
Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Day 17 ~ Thankful for a wonderful Sunday ..

Day 18 ~ I am thankful that I was able to take a long walk this Morning and simply observe the beauty around me.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Day # 16 !!

I am thankful for the smiles of my children, for the feel of their arms strangling my neck, for the trust I see in their eyes, for the peace I see in their faces when they sleep, for the joy in their faces when they play in fresh air , for the simple fact that they are alive.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Day 15 !!!

 So thankful for the many blessings in my life.
Thankful for Being at home, cozy and relaxing and
so Thankful for honesty.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Day # 14 !!

                I am thankful to see the beautiful sunshine this Morning !!
I am thankful for coupons !!! 
and so Thankful for coffee even thought  I don't drink coffee right now but
the smell is just wonderful ;-)

 ~ Pilar Cardeña

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Day # 13

I am thankful for a warm house( even though our heater its not working properly the house is still warm ) and running water, for 10 hrs of sleep and for a hard working husband . God is good !

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day # 12 !!

 I am so Thankful and blessed by good Supportive and caring friends.
Peace and contentment...
No diseases or health problems in my family - so thankful!
A Roof Over My Head.

what are you thankful for ?

Monday, November 11, 2013

Day # 10 & 11

 day # 10  I am thankful that we were able to go to church as a family, for Christ fellowship and for a peaceful day and the beautiful fall weather Yesterday.

Day # 11 Thankful for the courage and sacrifice of the veterans for this country.

~ Pilar Cardeña

Friday, November 8, 2013

Hello busy moms  I was trying to add an application to my blog and obviously I dont know much about templates and all that ... so this is how my blog ended up ! I am working on fixing it but it might take a while ... sorry for the inconvenience

Day # 8 Thankful for how God's word bring comfort and confirmation when you need it the most.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day # 7

 I'm so thankful that we still live in a country where we can worship our God and not have to hide to do so
and for the many blessings that I have received far and beyond anything in this world

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Day # 6

 Thankful the God's mercies are new every morning,
for Having two girls and a boy who are healthy and happy and full of laughter. They bring joy to me .

Thankful for the guard on my heart preventing me from being jealous of the blessings of others.
and for The victory over death because of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
~Pilar cardeña

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day # 5

Day # 5 ... I am thankful for the beauty of nature. Seeing the color in the trees, the sunshine, even the rain, makes me appreciate the God-given beauty all around us.
And for God's never ending love, mercy and grace.

~ Pilar Cardeña
The busy mom of four.

Good news !!!!

BREAKING NEWS: THE MEDIA DID NOT TELL YOU. The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals - the second most influential bench in the land behind the Supreme Court - ruled 2-1 in favor of 'BUSINESS OWNERS' who are fighting the requirement that they provide their employees with birth control. On Friday it was 'STRUCK DOWN' that the birth control mandate in ObamaCare be legal. CONGRATULATIONS to HOBBY LOBBY, CHICK-FIL-A, and every other organization who continue to stand on your religious principles..GOD BLESS YOU. God and Jesus are watching.These business will flourish.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Don't forget to use the translator rigth here beside the post !!!

Amigas ! no se frusten si son criticadas en algun momento por algo. Yo he sido criticada  y algunas veces ofendida tambien ..  Ah ! pero cabe mecionar que aveces nos ofendemos por cualquier cosa y miramos moros con tranchetes donde no hay, pero cuando ha sido directa y clara la critica o la ofensa,  he aprendido con la ayuda del señor a  morir ami misma y aplicar Proverbios 5:15  a entender y aceptar la critica de una menera amable  .. ustedes diran como si fuera facil !  es verdad que no es facil !! pero si se puede , no en tus propias fuerzas ! pero si descansas en el Señor !  has tu parte y lo que puedes hacer y deja al señor lo que no puedes tu hacer.. ( con humildad y reconociendo tu persona tambien , por que recuerda que aunque nosotros creeremos ser siempre los ofendidos . El Señor lo sabe absolutamente todo)

se preguntaran que clase de criticas u  ofensas ; bueno hay criticas y ofensas directas e indirectas . las dos formas tendran el mismo efecto . pero tu puedes aplicar la formula  de Proverbios 5:15 para las dos . lo mas importante de esto es que estaras agradando al Señor primeramente y segundo podras crecer finalmente , espritualmente hablando. ( por que hay situaciones Cronicas ... les llamo yo !  que nos  tienen mochos !! otra vez !  espirutalmente hablando )

dejenme le doy doy un ejemplo : he sido criticada por poner a mi esposo en primer lugar y amis hijos en segundo . El otro dia recibi un correo Electronico de una mujer " cristiana " que estaba en total desacuerdo ,  por lo tanto no leeria nada mas que viniera de mi .y no fue la unica !   lo siento pero por supuesto eso no me quita el sueño  :-)  y no voy a cambiar mi posicion tampoco. y respeto sus opiniones,

otra : he sido criticada por mi caracter o forma de ser !  doy tantas gracias al Señor que el me ama tal como soy , que soy hermosa ante sus ojos y mucho mas que conoce mi corazon y mis pensamientos .
muchas personas me preguntan que si estoy enojada por que estoy seria o no hablo . ( la verdad que es que yo no me rio por cualquier cosa , pero respesto alos que si ) en mi casa por ejemplo mi esposo y mi hija son unos de ellos =-)
el señor no me dio ami la bonita expression ni la sonrisa el la cara que a otras personas si y no es queja ! estoy feliz y contenta como el me hizo.  El otro dia una mujer en la iglesia donde asistimos me preguntanba si yo estaba enojada con otra mujer de ahi mismo por que no me miraba  platicar con ella ni estar en el grupo que aveces se forman despues de los servicios .
le conteste para nada en lo absoluto ! yo no estoy enojada con absolutamente nadie.... simplemente que hay conversaciones que no son de mi incunvencia. y hay ciertas cosas que yo no considero sanas para mi salud y he tratado de ir eliminando poco a poco . solo se sonrio ! me dice eres muy seria no te vemos platicar con nadie ya : y sonriendo le conteste aah ! es que soy muy selectiva ahora con mis amistades pero a todos las  estimo  de la misma manera no tengo prefencia alguna con absolutamente nadie .  ( tu que lees mi blog no te estes preguntando quien seria por FAVOR....  )   lo puse solo como ejemplo .)

Tambien he sido criticada por mis conviciones  ! y claro mis conviciones no son las mismas que de otros ! cuando de conviccion se trata !! no ataquemos de regreso como sutilmente aveces solemos hacerlo recuerden que surtira el mismo efecto que si lo haces directamente ..  ahi pliquemos proverbios 5:15 y tal vez podemos contestar asi :  " si decidimos hacerlo hagamoslo para el Señor y si decidimos no hacerno tambien hagamoslo para el Señor ! por que no queremos ser de piedra de tropiezo para nadie"

 y solo recordemos que cada una de nosotras vamos a dar cuentas propias a Dios por lo que hallamos hecho, creido o hablado  " NOSOTROS ! no tu vecino, ni tu hermano ni tu pastor ni la esposa del pastor ni los diaconos ,amigos o famililiares Etc...aseguremosno de agradar a nuestro Dios de estar bien con EL que el dia se acerca .

~ que tengan un bendecido dia ,
The Busy mom of four.


Dia # 4 !!

 agradecida por el Sol de esta bonita mañana, por el aire , por mis pies sanos con los que pude caminar y hasta correr esta manana, por la bendicion de ser madre y por la oportunidad de poder educar amis hijos en casa .

~ Gracias al señor por las cosas que aveces no consideramos y que son tan importantes como lo es el aire que respiramos .
Pilar Cardeña

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day # 3 !!

Today I am Thankful for the Lord's day, for His Word, for my church and for my Family in Christ.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Thankful day # 2 !!

Today I am thankful for being able to wake up this morning and see my husband beside me and , for seeing my children sneak in through my door and jump up in my bed like every Saturday morning.
Thankful for a wonderful brother I had ,and that a day like today he went to haven to be with the Lord. And so thankful that one day I am going to see him again.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Thankful Day # 1 .....

Not only today or this Month I have to give thanks.. there's to much be thankful for ! but for the next 22 days I will be posting about something I’m thankful for.  I hope you’ll join me in remembering what this season is really about.
if you want too you can link up your posts  of what are you Thankful for.

Today I am thankful for God's grace.
For my precious family.
for this beautiful Rainy day.
and for being able to sleep well.
For the Son of God who died for me and you !

What are you thankful for ?