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Monday, August 26, 2013

cupons !!!

I have been so busy in the past few weeks and I haven't had a chance to do my coupons ...
doing coupons is a lot of work and takes a lot of time and my time is very valuable. ( I am a  busy mom ) but I decide to make time and do it ! to help my husband in something .
He really appreciates that .. not only That !! but he really enjoys going with me to the store and see me get a lot of stuff for just a few cents :-)
now!! I don't work my coupons during the day I do that every night when the kids are Already sleeping  or very early in the morning after my devotional when the kids are still on bed  which means at 6:30 in the morning.

 but since I haven't done it in  a couple weeks, hubby and the kiddos have begun to miss it so last night on our way back home they stopped at the store and grabbed me a  newspaper so I can start

again :-)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Jueves de Español !

Hola ! Madres buenos dias !! Como estan  esta mañana ? ....estare grabando este fin de semana en la conferencia de enseñanza en casa , necesito de sus oraciones por favor :-) .

Casi estamos listos para empezar la escuela. Que tal ustedes ya empezaron o cuando empiezan ?

He tenido unos dias realmente agobiantes ..demasiado cansancio y dolor fisico  debe de ser la edad tal vez ( parte se) pero gracias a mi padre celestial que ha cuidado de mi ! dandome un buen espiritu , paciencia y mente positiva ha guiando mis pensamientos , dolencias y preocupaciones hacia El. Realmente he podido descansar en El .

viene ami mente una conversacion reciente que tuve con una mujer acerca del cansancio y quisiera añadir esto .. aveces puede ser desgastante y preocupante por que criar hijos no es una tarea facil , pero todos estamos involucrados en esto somos una " Familia " cada uno hace su papel y nadie lo va ha hacer perfecto nos frustemos

No desmayemos sigamos adelante que realmente vale la pena ! Mi familia ! tu familia !nuestras familias valen la pena ! Recuerden que estamos formando la proxima Generation
Descansemos hoy sabiendo que el que nos dio a nuestros hijos ha invertido tanto en ellos como tu . Y AUN MAS !

 ♥~ Pilar Cardeña

Thursday, August 1, 2013

sharing !!

"Today I will be a woman who rejoices in the truth. I won't allow the lies of the enemy to speak louder than what God's Word says. Instead of replaying the cruel things others have said about me, I will weed through their words, determining what is true, and what is not. I'll work on changing the things I can, and rest in the truth that I am loved and cherished by my heavenly Father."

Sharing !!!

Good morning, moms!  Weary much?  If we are solely devoted to serving others (our families, our co-ops) then we will surely burn out.  However, if we purpose to be devoted to serving God first, and then serving others, we can serve in His strength and not grow weary—because He becomes our portion and our strength.  Serve the Lord first.

 "My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:26