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Sunday, March 31, 2013

"Que tu cristianismo sea tan inconfundible y tu andar tan sincero, que todo el que te vea no tenga duda de quiétu dueño y quién es tu Señor." - J.C. Ryle.

 Que tengan buen dia de resurrecion!


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

announcements !!

~ First I want to thank you for entering to the giveaway..

~ second I want to apologize for two reasons , first for the mess that my blog is right now  but I 'm still working on it in my free time +  ( I don't have computer & internet ) and its problably  gonna stay like that for few more days :-) second because a lot of you couldn't get into the giveaway because of a problem in link the comment section sorry ..  NEXT !!!!

I just find out the my blog is on the circle of moms blogs list  !!!!! thank you so much for Rated it & put it there .

~ Third thank you all for your kind comments !

  ~Bailey Green I did received your message and I love it ! thank you so much ! yes ! I' m a Christian women wife and mother of 4 beautiful children:-)
 May God bless you family.
~ love,Pilar Cardeña

 and the winner for the giveaway is !!! Samantha Grace !!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

 you for visiting my blog...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Giveaway !!!

here are some decorations that I made for my daughters room, I think that I already talked about these but just in case you missed it here is the story again ... my daughter  asked for her birthday a room make over, her birthday already passed and we haven't started working on her room  until this week. But mean while I've been working on decorations,curtins etc..and these are one of the decorations that I made they  are suposed to be hanging in a corner from the ceiling !.... Well the thing is... that they won't be hanging on the ceiling anymore at least not on ours  I chose to make them in these colors because I had certain colors in mine for her room and she was OK with that , but that was my preference not hers.. ( sorry daughter)  anyway   the whole project has changed and now is going to be what she wants it to be ( she really deserve it ! she's such a good daughter )  but now these decorations don't go..

 So I 'm going to give  them away to the first person who asks ! leave your comment and the reason you need it and enclose with your address

Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy 13th Birthday Dear Daughter !!


ayer nuestro calenario  Marco el segundo campleaños de este año en nuestra familia y es Que en un dia como ayer ala 1:00 am trece años atras  nacio nuestra querida hija Genesis y son los mismos 13 años Que han sido de bendicion tenerla como hija ! ha llenado nuestros dias de amor y alegria y  estamos  muy agradecidos al señor por lo bueno que ha sido con ella durante estos años pero ahora es cuando mas le pedimos Que cuide y guarde de ella en este tiempo de juventud Que cuando este en necesidad de sabiduria la ilumine con Su santa palabra.Nuestro deseo es que se forme en una mujercita integra y dedicada al Señor de corazon y mente. ¡ oh mi Dios Que tu mano este sobre ella hoy y siempre ! es nuestra peticion.

algunos versiculos que
le leeyo Su padre ayer:

Salmos 144:12 Que nuestros hijos, en su juventud, crezcan como plantas frondosas; que sean nuestras hijas como columnas esculpidas para adornar un palacio.

1 Pedro 3: 3,4 Que la belleza de ustedes no sea la externa, que consiste en adornos tales como peinados ostentosos, joyas de oro y vestidos lujosos. Que su belleza sea más bien la incorruptible, la que procede de lo íntimo del corazón y consiste en un espíritu suave y apacible. Ésta sí que tiene mucho valor delante de Dios.

Salmos 119: 9-16 ¿Cómo puede el joven llevar una vida íntegra? Viviendo conforme a tu palabra. Yo te busco con todo el corazón; no dejes que me desvíe de tus mandamientos. En mi corazón atesoro tus dichos para no pecar contra ti. ¡Bendito seas, Señor! ¡Enséñame tus decretos! Con mis labios he proclamado todos los juicios que has emitido. Me regocijo en el camino de tus estatutos más que en todas las riquezas. En tus preceptos medito, y pongo mis ojos en tus sendas. En tus decretos hallo mi deleite, y jamás olvidaré tu palabra.   

Friday, March 1, 2013

My daughter will be 13th in a couple days  so that means that I'm going to have a teenager at home soon -:) and all she asked was a room makeover she doesn't want pink anymore :(  but changing color means changing furniture and we can't afford  that I just decided to repaint the funiture make some new curtins and some decorations  etc.. .I will be posting pictures later  but today I started by making the curtins from some  old bed sheets and this is what came out ~ this cute tote bag and this beautiful curtins :-)